Business Planner


FORMAT: Hardback
EXTENT: 416pp
SIZE: 230 x 170mm
FEATURES: Wibalin cover with two ribbon markers

Searching for the ULTIMATE business planning bible? Ta-da! You’ve found it!

Created especially for boss mumma’s (like me!) who want to organise the chaos, de-struggle the juggle and kick butt in business, THIS is the Business Planner you’ve been looking for!

It’s the absolute bee’s knees of business planning tools, with goal setting, social media, marketing and finance plans AND it’ll keep you motivated, committed and accountable along the way.

Just some of the fabulous things you’ll find inside:

  • undated yearly planner so you can start whenever you like
  • monthly goal planner helps you set major goals along with action steps
  • weekly action plan sets up top priorities, goals, social media and to-do’s
  • weekly and quarterly reviews keep you accountable and on-track.

The list goes on!

So what do you think? Need one?!